Оseltamivir 75 mg * 10 ACTAVIS



Ebilfumin is used in adults, adolescents, children and infants (including full-term newborns) to treat influenza (influenza). It can be used when you have flu symptoms and the flu virus is known to be circulating in society.
Ebilfumin can also be prescribed to adults, adolescents, infants and children over 1 year of age for the prevention of influenza on a case-by-case basis – for example, if you have been in contact with someone who has the flu.
Ebilfumin can be prescribed to adults, adolescents, children and infants (including full-term infants) as a prophylactic treatment in exceptional circumstances – for example, if there is a global influenza epidemic (influenza pandemic) and the seasonal flu vaccine does not provide adequate protection.
Ebilfumin contains oseltamivir, which belongs to a group of medicines called neuraminidase inhibitors. These drugs prevent the spread of the flu virus in the body.
They help relieve or prevent the symptoms of the flu virus infection.
Influenza, commonly called the flu, is an infection caused by a virus. Signs of the flu often include a sudden fever (above 37.8 ° C), cough, runny nose, headache, muscle aches and very tiredness. These symptoms can also be caused by other infections.
True influenza infection occurs only during annual epidemics, when influenza viruses spread in society. Outside of epidemics, flu-like symptoms are usually caused by a different type of disease.


To treat the flu, take two doses daily. It is usually convenient to take one dose in the morning and one in the evening. It is important to complete the entire 5-day course, even if you quickly start to feel better.

In adult patients with a weak immune system, treatment will continue for 10 days.

To prevent the flu or after contact with an infected person, take one dose daily for 10 days. It is best to take it in the morning with breakfast.

In special situations, such as the widespread spread of influenza or in patients with weak immune systems, treatment will last up to 6 or 12 weeks.

The recommended dose is based on the patient’s body weight. You should use the amount of capsules for oral administration or suspension prescribed by your doctor.

Adults and adolescents 13 years of age and older
Body weight Influenza treatment: dose for 5 days  Influenza prevention: dose for 10 days
40 kg or more  75 mg twice daily  75 mg once daily

75 mg can be made from a 30 mg capsule plus a 45 mg capsule

Children from 1 to 12 years
Body weight  Influenza treatment: dose for 5 days Influenza prevention: dose for 10 days
10 to 15 kg 30 mg twice daily  30 mg once daily
Over 15 kg and up to 23 kg  45 mg twice daily 45 mg once daily
Over 23 kg and up to 40 kg 60 mg twice daily  60 mg once daily
Over 40 kg 75 mg twice daily  75 mg once daily